On November 10, 2023, Hukumonline published its 4th edition of Hukumonline Clinic Award 2023, themed “Legal Literacy Heroes: Increasing Legal Literacy With Hukumonline Clinic Partners” ("Pahlawan Literasi Hukum: Semakin Melek Hukum Bersama Mitra Klinik Hukumonline"). This edition awarded exceptional legal clinics across 14 categories for actively sharing legal knowledge with the public through easily understandable Hukumonline content.
We are proud to announce that Dr. Michael Hans & Associates (“MHANSLaw”) has been honored with the title of Best Law Firm Clinic Partner Specializing in Intellectual Property at the Hukumonline Clinic Award 2023.
This award not only fills us with pride but also motivates our ongoing commitment to enhancing legal literacy, especially in intellectual property and business.
Thank you @hukum_online @klinikhukum @hukumonlineawards for providing a platform that allows us to contribute to a #LebihMelekHukum community, and congratulations to all the awardees for their well-deserved achievements!
#Hukumonline #MHANSLaw #HukumonlineClinicAward2023 #PenghargaanHukum #KantorHukumSurabaya #KantorHukum